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05 OCTOBER 2023

Guest Seminars Series

Platforms, Power & Society

Aula Romei, Via dei Bersaglieri 6

Speaker: Thomas Poell, Professor of Data, Culture & Institutions, University of Amsterdam

26 APRIL 2023

Seminars on Academic Skills: Applying for Funding - The ERC Starting Grant

Online event

Speaker: Alice Mattoni

19 APRIL 2023

Seminar on Academic Skills: Applying for Funding - The Marie Curie Fellowship

Online event

Speakers: Ester Sigillò and Ilaria Pitti

12 APRIL 2023

Seminar on Academic Skills: From PhD Dissertations to Monographs

Online event

Speakers: Andrea Pirro and Lorenzo Zambernardi

05 APRIL 2023

Seminar on Academic Skills: Publishing Articles in Peer-Reviewed International Journals

Online event

Speakers: Alice Mattoni and Francesco Niccolò Moro

29 MARCH 2023

Seminar on Academic Skills: Preparation of CV and other application materials

Online event

Speakers: Fernanda Odilla Vasconcellos and Anwesha Chakraborty

23 MARCH 2023

PhD Workshop on Challenges of Democracy in Africa

Aula Dottorandi ex Emeroteca (DSE), Palazzo Hercolani, Bologna

31 JANUARY 2023

Introduction to MAXQDA

Aula Romei, Via dei Bersaglieri 6

A one-day intensive workshop on the software for qualitative and mixed-method research

09 JUNE 2021

PhD Colloquium 2021

Online event

A PhD Colloquium during which PhD students will discuss their ongoing research projects with the PhD programme faculty and their peers.

30 JUNE 2020

PhD Colloquium 2020


During the colloquium, PhD students will present their current research and discuss it with the PhD programme faculty and their peers.

24 APRIL 2020

Guest Seminars Series

Income inequality and equality of opportunity in Europe. Are they on the rise?

Room Romei, Via dei Bersaglieri 6/c, Bologna

Prof. Ana Alvarez, University of Oviedo

07 APRIL 2020

Guest Seminars Series

Mutual Trust as a EU Consitutional Principle? A Critical Assessment

Aula Magagni, Padiglione Gaddi Morgagni, Forlì Campus

Prof. Iris Canor