
Equipment and/or laboratories

-Optical, confocal and electronic microscopy laboratory

-Proteomics laboratory

-Cell culture and cytology laboratory

-Neurophysiology laboratory

-Biomaterials laboratory

-Biochemistry and molecular biology laboratory

-In vivo image analysis laboratory

-Laboratory of medical and neurological pathophysiology

Each individual member has access to their own computer workstation and a common study in each relevant laboratory


Book heritage

Consistency in volumes and coverage of the course topics

-Centralized biomedical library

-Centralized clinical library

Both libraries, with a heritage of over 400 online and 200 paper periodicals in the biomedical area, and continuously increasing compared to the previous cycle, are freely accessible by doctoral students. Furthermore, all the topics of the Course are covered by the Unibo library system (, which overall has a heritage of over a thousand volumes and journals in the biomedical area.

Magazine subscriptions (number, years owned, coverage of course topics)

Doctoral students have access to the journals owned by the Biomedical Library ( and the Clinical Library (, integrated with the libraries of the Policlinico di S.Orsola and with the libraries and book collections of the DIBINEM and DIMEC Departments, with a continuously increasing heritage compared to the previous cycle.



Databases (access to the content of sets of magazines and/or editorial series)
Members have access, with their Unibo credentials, to all the main online databases that are part of the assets of the two centralized libraries and the integrated libraries. The most commonly used databases are: CrossRef, MedLine, Scopus and WoS, but for more detailed information relating to the complete assets of the various accessible databases, which are continuously increasing compared to the previous cycle, see: https://sba.unibo. it/it/almare/collections/databases

Softwares specifically relevant to the envisaged research sectors
Each laboratory provides the necessary software for the research topics of the PhD students. In general, for the topics of the Doctorate, PhD students mainly use programs for data processing (R, Excel), graphic representation (Photoshop, Powerpoint) and statistical processing of experimental results (R, SPSS, GraphPad ).

Spaces and resources for doctoral students and for electronic computing
Each PhD student is equipped with their own PC connected online with the above databases, with access to the software necessary for the research activity and in particular for statistical analyses. The maintenance of the PCs is carried out by the CESIA - University IT Systems and Services Area, which proposes replacement if the machines are obsolete and which takes care of the updates necessary for ordinary maintenance.

Other services

The activities of members can be articulated and structurally integrated with the research organization of the IRCCS in the Bologna area: ISNB (Institute of Neurological Sciences of Bologna), IOR (Rizzoli Orthopedic Institute) and S. Orsola, which provide spaces for carrying out joint research projects. This allows for the rapid and profitable inclusion of PhD students in the research activities and in the clinical-care sphere of the IRCCS as well.