The course is being accredited. Therefore, all information below refers to the last active cycle.
The PhD Programme in Biomedical and Neuromotor Sciences offers training to enable PhD students to develop their skills as a researcher, and ensure them have what it takes to be successful in their future career in the Biomedical Area.
The PhD programme will offer a series of workshops and events within specific research topics, helping PhD students to acquire transversal skills in the preclinical and clinical area that will allow them to carry out a highly qualified research activity in the biomedical field. The programme and the training objectives vary according to the area of interest, and the PhD students will carry out research activities in the following fields:
The PhD research programme is divided into 8 specific research topics:
The Faculty takes also advice also from a Steering Committee made up of at least one Faculty Member for each Research Topic.
The training consists of laboratory and/or clinical research activities, coordinated by the PhD student's Supervisor, and other activities belonging to four levels: University of Bologna level, PhD Programmes in the medical area level, specific PhD programme level and PhD student's level, as follows:
- The University of Bologna organizes basic courses on: research management, knowledge of research systems and funding systems, enhancement of research results and intellectual property, corporate culture. PhD students with specific interests will also be able to attend advanced courses on these topics.
- The PhD programmes in the medical area organize common seminars, scientific English courses (24 hours, in collaboration with the University of Bologna Language Center) and courses on safety in the biomedical environment (12 hours, in collaboration with the APOS Area of the University and with the Safety Department handlers).
- The PhD programme organizes common seminars of members of the Faculty Board and important visiting scientists.
- The Supervisor addresses the PhD student to specific events (conferences, workshops, stages ...) and takes care of advanced IT training according to the research project.
The Faculty Board, considering each specific research topic, will use the following evaluation methods:
- on a monthly basis, PhD students will be invited to present the progress of their scientific work and discuss the data with their research team, with verification of the degree of autonomy achieved in the management of the research activities entrusted to them
- at the end of the each year, PhD students are required to present the results achieved to the Faculty, in order to assess: the scientific consistency of the data; the critical evaluation of the data; the following experiments to carry out
A fundamental point for the evaluation of each PhD student is that, during the PhD programme, she/he has produced at least 1 paper published in international journals with impact factor, subjected to peer review and reviewed by ISI. The scientific production of PhD students will be assessed by using the IRIS database.