
The PhD in History and Archaeology covers many research fields - anthropology, archaeology, oriental studies, history and other intercultural connections - from prehistory to modern times. They follow an inter-disciplinary dimension and different methodologies, focusing on the area of cultural memories as the construction and intersection of individual and collective memories as a way to represent, express and transmit experience and practice.

The pluri-disciplinarity is therefore the main feature of the Program. The PhD aims to form scholars able to play high qualified roles in the Universities, in scientific and cultural institutions, in the private sector, in preserving, safeguarding and promoting the territory and its historical heritage, both in public and private, by processing and interpreting historical sources and archaeological materials.

The PhD Programme in History and Archaeology is offered both in Italian and English as working languages, but it is open to a plurilinguistic approach in order to promote a scientific and professional outlook for candidates interested in careers both in academia and other research institutions at national and international level.