The PhD in Veterinary Sciences, born in march 2010 by joining the four PhD courses of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, lasts four years, is a third level degree and is the beginning of a research career.

The learning and teaching outcomes differ according to the chosen curriculum. PhD students will follow different curricula aimed to the acquisition of a know-how that will let them to carry out highly qualified research activity in the Veterinary and Biological Sciences. Students could be choose basic research curricula aimed at finding answer for the clinic world and other students could be choose professionalising curricula whith the aim to acquire knowledge necessary to carry out the profession in the Veterinary and Animal Production field, with a high level competence.

Phd students, using biomedical research methodology applied to the veterinary sciences, food safety and animal production, carry out their activity in the labs, the clinics and all the facilities linked to the Veterinary Medicine (the veterinary teaching hospital, the didactic dairy farm, the National Institute for Artificial Insemination, the slaughterhouse, the Acquaculture’s labs and pools for ittiopatology in Cesenatico, the industries for animal food transformation, etc.).

Each PhD student should spend a period of training activity abroad, in Universities or research centers highly qualified. The research activity of the students should exit in publications in International journals, especially in those of highl level, in presentig papers at both International and National meetings and in documentation of clinical cases. At least two publications indexed on ISI/SCOPUS/PUBMED are expected to be producet in order to be admitted to sit the final exam.

The professional opportunities are all those of the Graduate in Veterinary Medicine and in related disciplines (animal and biological production) but with a clearly superior qualification.  Other prospects can be working for public research institutes or for the private sector (pharmaceutical industry, animal feed factories, animal food processing industry).


PhD office

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PhD Coordinator: Prof. Carolina Castagnetti

For more specific information regarding the PhD in Veterinary Sciences

+39 051 2097571

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