All the PhD students enrolled in the last year of study must submit an admission application for final exam, and they must submit the thesis within the deadline established for each PhD Cycle.
Each thesis is evaluated by at least two Reviewers chosen by the Academic Board within the external institutions which collaborate with the Degree program but are not part of the Commission. The Reviewers express a written evaluation on the thesis and they suggest the admission to public discussion or the postponement for a maximum of 6 months
PhD students admitted to the public discussion on the basis of a positive evaluation, will take the final exam with the Commission on a date established by the Academic Board of the PhD Pogram. PhD students with postponed public discussion, will take the final exam with the Commission on another date, also established by the Academic Board of the PhD Pogram.
In order to be admitted to the final exam, each PhD student is expected to have at least two publications in scientific journals indexed on ISI/SCOPUS/PubMed and to have spent a period abroad of at least 4 months during the three years of the course. When required by the announcement, the PhD student must also have completed a period in a company, in Italy or abroad.