Anna Gloria Billè, Silvia Cagnone, Alessandra Luati, Luca Trapin
Event location: Aula IV, Department of Statistical Sciences, Via Belle Arti 41 (STAT PhD Classes Virtual Room on need) - In presence and online event
Type: Cycle 40 - Mandatory Courses
Aims: To introduce advanced modelling strategies for independent data or data characterized by spatial or temporal dependence including model selection, inference, prediction.
Learning outcomes: At the end of the course the students will have an appreciation of the different modelling strategies for data characterized by various kinds of dependencies and will be able to deal with estimation issues, to perform model selection and to apply the models to real data situations.
Course content
Module 1. Generalized linear (GLM) and latent variable models (GLLVM) (Prof. S. Cagnone)
- GLM:
Module 2. Models for panel data (Prof. L. Trapin)
- Large N, Small T:
- Large N, Large T:
- Nonlinear panels
Module 3. Advanced time series analysis: Time-varying-parameter models (Prof. A. Luati)
Module 4. Specification and Inference for models with cross-sectional (spatial) dependence (Prof. A. G. Billè)
- Introduction to Random Fields:
- Cliff-Ord's types of models and their extensions to panel data:
- Spatial discrete choices and limited dependent variable models: