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01 MARCH 2023
25 OCTOBER 2025

Cycle 38 - Other activities

My first bibliography: great, but how?

Library, Department of Statistic Science, Via Belle Arti 41, Bologna - In presence and online event

dott. Silvia Girometti

Concluded events

01 MAY
20 JUNE 2024

Cycle 39 - Short courses and seminars

Deterministic and stochastic optimization in insurance

Aula IV, Department of Statistical Sciences, Via Belle Arti 41 (STAT PhD Classes Virtual Room on need)

Luca Vincenzo Ballestra

30 MAY 2024

Cycle 39 - Mandatory Courses

Time series modelling

Aula IV, Department of Statistical Sciences, Via Belle Arti 41 (STAT PhD Classes Virtual Room on need)

Simone Giannerini, Alessandra Luati, Luca Trapin

30 APRIL 2024

Cycle 39 - Short courses and seminars

Numerical methods in economics

Aula IV, Department of Statistical Sciences, Via Belle Arti 41 (STAT PhD Classes Virtual Room on need)

Renata Bottazzi

30 MARCH 2024

Cycle 39 - Mandatory Courses

Fundamentals of statistical inference

Aula IV, Department of Statistical Sciences, Via Belle Arti 41 (STAT PhD Classes Virtual Room on need)

Pier Giovanni Bissiri, Maria-Pia Victoria Feser

05 FEBRUARY 2024

Cycle 39 - Short courses and seminars

Modern design of experiments

Aula IV, Department of Statistical Sciences, Via Belle Arti 41 (STAT PhD Classes Virtual Room on need)

Maroussa Zagoraiou, Marco Novelli, Rosmarie Frieri

21 DECEMBER 2023

Cycle 39 - Mandatory Courses

Probability and stochastic processes

Aula IV, Department of Statistical Sciences, Via Belle Arti 41 (STAT PhD Classes Virtual Room on need)

Sabrina Mulinacci, Pietro Rigo

20 DECEMBER 2023

Cycle 39 - Mandatory Courses

Special Functions (theory and applications)

Aula IV, Department of Statistical Sciences, Via Belle Arti 41 (STAT PhD classes virtual room on need)

Daniele Ritelli, Giulia Spaletta

20 JUNE 2023

Cycle 38 - Short courses and seminars

Deterministic and stochastic optimization in insurance

Aula IV, Via Belle Arti 41 and STAT PhD Classes Virtual Room - In presence and online event

L.V. Ballestra

23 MAY
24 MAY 2023

Cycle 39 - Short courses and seminars

A new look at Bayesian uncertainty

Aula 12 (23rd) and aula 32 (24th) Piazza Scaravilli, Bologna

prof. S.G.Walker Department of Mathematics and Department of Statistics & Data Science, University of Texas at Austin

22 MAY 2023

Cycle 38 - Mandatory Courses

Time series modelling

Aula IV, Via Belle Arti 41 and STAT PhD Classes Virtual Room

Proff. Giannerini, Luati, Goracci

30 APRIL 2023

Cycle 38 - Short courses and seminars

Numerical methods in economics

Aula IV, Via Belle Arti 41 and STAT PhD Classes Virtual Room - In presence and online event

Prof.ssa Renata Bottazzi