Statistical methodology for high-dimensional and functional time series

Alex Aue, UC Davis

  • Date:

    10 JUNE
    19 JUNE 2025
     from 9:00 to 12:00
  • Event location: Aula III, Department of Statistical Sciences, Via Belle Arti 41 and Aula 32, Piazza Scaravilli 2 (STAT PhD Classes Virtual Room on need)

  • Type: Cycle 40 - Elective Courses

1. Introduction and overview (1 hour)

  • Motivate the study of functional and high-dimensional data with current data examples
  • Summarize the available methodology
  • Summarize the available technical contributions
  • Provide outline of course

2. Review of scalar and multivariate methods (3 hours)

  • Review of classical time series methods
  • Decomposition into trend plus seasonality plus stationary errors
  • The concept of stationarity and the autocorrelation function
  • Predicting and estimating time series
  • Data examples

3. Functional time series methods (10 hours)

  • A primer on functional data and functional analysis
  • Registration, representation and smoothing of functional data
  • Functional time series models
  • Prediction and estimation of functional time series

4. High-dimensional time series methods (9 hours)

  •  A primer on random matrix theory
  • High-dimensional phenomena
  • Adding time series context
  • Adding functional time series context
  • Discuss possible new research projects

5. Conclusions and outlook (1 hour)

  • Summarize contents of course
  • Prepare for future research collaborations



[1] Aue, A., Dubart Nourinho, D., and Hormann, S. (2015). On the prediction of stationary functional time series, Journal of the American Statistical Association 110, 378–392.
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[8] Hallin, M., Nisol, G., and Tavakoli, S. (2023). Factor models for high-dimensional functional time series II: Estimation and forecasting. Journal of Time Series Analysis 44, 601–621.
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[10] Liu, H., Aue, A., and Paul, D. (2015), On the Marcenko–Pastur law for linear time series, ˇ The Annals of Statistics 43, 675–712.
[11] Paul, D., and Aue, A. (2014). Random matrix theory in statistics: a review. Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference 150, 1–29.
[12] Silverman, B.W., and Ramsay, J.O. (2002). Applied Functional Data Analysis: Methods and Case Studies. Springer-Verlag, New York.
[13] Shumway, R.H., and Stoffer, D.A. (2006). Time Series Analysis and its Applications (2nd ed.). SpringerVerlag, New York.