Climate Risk implication in credit related financial instruments

Leonardo Bortolan, Università di Bologna

  • Date: 11 FEBRUARY 2021  from 16:00 to 18:00

  • Event location: Modalità telematica, mediante sistema di videoconferenza su piattaforma Microsoft Teams

  • Type: Statistics Seminars


A new source of risk for economic development is arising around the so called ”Climate Change”. Strong  evidence  of  rising  temperature  and  extremes  events  are  opposed  to  the  questionable  im-plications it will produce for economic activities.  Climate Risk has been incorporated in financial analysis  in  early  90’s  by  Nordhaus  with  Integrated  Assessment  Model  but  due  to  climate  model uncertainty it’s challenging to derive its true effect and only in the last decade research in this area experienced a boost.  The focus of the project is to understand, decompose, measure and project this source of risk into its main components, namely transition and physical risk, with a regard to implications in credit risk related instruments.  We present a first work focused on transition risk and the reduction in firm credit riskiness when credit risk is influenced by regulatory risk, that is predominant in short horizon environment.  We compare the performance of bonds issued by the firm which reduced the most and the less C02 emissions.  The emissions are divided into short duration and long duration to analyze at which horizon the effect is predominant in terms of portfolio performance and change in the main credit risk factor, Asset Swap Spread.
With regard to physical risk, the result of a combination of climatic hazards, exposures, and vulnerabilities, we present the foundation for a second work aimed to its decomposition into chronic and acute risk trough a C-GARCH volatility decomposition.


 l’ Organizzatori                                                                                                              Il Direttore

Prof. Christian Hennig                                                                                         Prof. Angela Montanari                                   Prof. Silvia Cagnone



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