Time series - 2022

Greta Goracci, Simone Giannerini, Alessandra Luati

  • Date:

    02 MAY
    18 MAY 2022
  • Event location: STAT - Department

  • Type: Cycle 37 - Mandatory Courses

Prof.ssa Alessandra Luati

Module 1: state space models and recent developments

  • Linear Gaussian models and the Kalman filter 
  • Maximum likelihood estimation
  • Non linear non Gaussian models
  • Score driven models
  • Maximum likelihood estimation
  • Illustrations


Prof. Greta Goracci

Module 2: Introduction to nonlinear time series

  • Limitation of linear models
  • Some parametric nonlinear time series models
  • Stationary distributions
  • Inference


Prof. Simone Giannerini

Module 3: Nonlinear time series and chaos theory 

  • Dynamical systems
  • Initial value sensitivity in dynamical systems
  • The embedding theorem
  • Initial value sensitivity in random dynamical systems 
  • Statistical problems: estimation and testing
  • Some examples


