Introduction to small area estimation

Prof.ssa Silvia Pacei, Università di Bologna

  • Date:

    06 MARCH
    18 APRIL 2018
  • Event location: Aula Seminari, 1st floor, Department of Statistical Science, Via Belle Arti 41, Bologna

  • Type: Cycle 33 - Short courses and seminars

Prof.ssa Silvia Pacei


03/06/18   11-13
03/13/18   11-13
03/21/18   10-12
03/27/18   11-13 (Lab PT)
03/28/18   11-13 (cancelled)
04/11/18   11-13
04/18/18   11-13 (Lab PT)



  • Why is small area estimation (SAE) necessary?
  • Concept and Problems in SAE
  • Summary of Methodologies, Tools and Techniques
  • Statistical Approaches
    • Direct estimation and model based estimation
    • Esplicit models and implicit models
    • EBLUP, EB and HB estimators
  • Examples
  • Extensions



  • Rao (2003) and Rao and Molina (2015).
  • Lohr (2010, Chapter 14).
  • Särndal et al. (1992).
  • Valliant et al. (2000, Section 11.5).
  • Pfeffermann (2013).