Special Functions (theory and applications) - Cycle 37 - Mandatory Courses

Prof. D. Ritelli

  • Date:

    10 DECEMBER 2021
     from 12:00 to 14:00
  • Event location: Aula IV, Via Belle Arti 41 and STAT PhD Classes Virtual Room

  • Type: Cycle 37 - Mandatory Courses

Short program 

1-Lambert W function
2-Eulerian functions: Gamma, Beta, Psi and related functions
3-Zeta function
4-Bessel functions
5-Hypergeometric functions
6-Generalized hypergoemtric functions
7-Incomplete Eulerian functions
8-Multivariate hypergeomteric functions
9-Applications to continuos random variables
10-Hints to optimization problems


Fri  12-19-26/11; 3-10/12  12:00-14:00
Wed  15/12 11:00-13:00