Statistical Learning with High-dimensional Structurally Dependent Data

Taps Maiti, Michigan State University

  • Date: 03 APRIL 2019  at 12:00

  • Event location: Seminar Room, 1st floor, Department os Statistics Science, Via Belle Arti 41, Bologna

  • Type: Statistics Seminars


Rapid development of information technology is making it possible to collect massive amounts of multidimensional, multimodal data with high dimensionality in diverse fields of science and engineering. New statistical learning and data mining methods have been developing accordingly to solve challenging problems arising out of these complex systems. In this talk, we will discuss a specific type of statistical learning, namely the problem of feature selection and classification when the features are high dimensional and structured, specifically, they are spatio-temporal in nature.  Various machine learning techniques are suitable for this type of problems although the underlying statistical theories are not well established. We will discuss some recently developed techniques in the context of specific examples arising in neuroimaging study.



Prof.ssa Angela Montanari