
PhD students will spend at least six months abroad and will benefit from a well-established network of foreign Universities, among which are Monash, Durham, Dusseldorf, Leeds, Lancaster, Oxford, Parigi (Nanterre La Défense), Bordeaux, Lyon, Madrid, Barcelona, Granada, Utrecht, Mosca, Saint Petersburg, Limerick.

Various agreements have been signed for joint degrees (Durham, Barcelona (UAB), Dusseldorf, Mainz, Auckland, and Monash University). Erasmus Mundus agreements are also in place.

The Doctoral program hosted numerous visiting doctoral students from Italian and foreign Universities: UK, Spain, Egypt, Iran, Australia, Russia, Serbia, Slovakia.

The Doctoral program was invited to be a foundation member of the International Doctorate in Translation Studies as of 14.09.2016.

An agreement has been finalized with the University of Valladolid for which the doctorate has been awarded the qualification of innovative and international doctorate.