
PhD in Architecture and Design Cultures

PhD in
Architecture and Design Cultures (41st Cycle)
Academic Year: 2025-2026

Subject area: Engineering Sciences

Coordinator: Prof. Matteo Cassani Simonetti

Language: English, Italian

Duration: 3 years

Places and scholarships: 5 places, 4 open and 1 constrained theme*

Deadline ‘First round’ call for applications: submit online application by 23.59 CEST on 03/04/2025

Title evaluation (candidates' presence not required): publication of results from 30/04/2025**.
Oral test: from 09/05/2025 - 10.00 a.m. CEST. In presence, Michelucci Library, Department of Architecture, Viale del Risorgimento 2, Bologna, or remotely, using the Microsoft Teams platform***.
At the time of the oral test, candidates may express their interest in being assigned to the examining board.

*Research project presented in Research Training Projects Cycle 41. High skills for resilience and sustainability of territory and communities - PR ESF+ 2021/2027 Priority 2. Education and Training Specific Objective e) - based on the notice approved by Regional Council Resolution no. 2072 of 04/11/2024 - funding by the Emilia-Romagna Region subject to approval by Regional Council Resolution. Bound theme: Potential Atlas of the Historic City of Bologna. An innovative tool for the integration and sharing of humanistic, scientific and technological knowledge on the city in order to prevent natural and anthropic risks.

** If the number of candidates admitted does not allow the oral test to be held on a single day, the test schedule will be published on the Studenti Online website together with the results of the assessment of qualifications and research project.

*** Admission test results will be available on the Studenti Online site (by selecting: ‘summary of current applications’ > ‘see details’ and viewing the pdf files located at the bottom of the page). Publication on the site has the value of notification. No communication will be sent to candidates by e-mail.


Operating centre: Bologna, Cesena

Associated locations

Course start date: 01 November 2025

Venue: Bologna, Cesena


 Educational objectives: The PhD in Architecture brings together the specificities of architectural composition, town planning, history, aesthetics, design, restoration, technology and industrial design, combining basic and applied research in an interdisciplinary perspective. The research activity will be developed according to thematic areas that, considering the nature of the Doctorate, are mainly addressed to graduates in architecture and building-architecture engineering and to graduates who, although coming from other degree classes, intend to develop specific studies in the field of Architecture according to the different disciplinary articulations that characterise it.

For further information on Characterising and Transversal Educational Activities, please refer to the Educational Programme.


Curricula and research topics:


For more information, please consult the Research Domains

Admission requirements:

Master's or Master's degree;
Degree from the previous system (old system);
Academic qualification issued by institutions belonging to the AFAM (Advanced Artistic and Musical Training) sector;
Academic qualification obtained abroad, recognised as equivalent to the above-mentioned academic qualifications, for the sole purpose of participation in the competition for admission to the PhD programme.

Undergraduates may also apply for admission to the selection, with the obligation to obtain, for the first round of the competition, the degree by 31/03/2025.


Contact details:

Department of Architecture - DA, Viale del Risorgimento 2, Bologna (BO)



AFORM - Settore Dottorato di ricerca

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