The experimental laboratories of DICAM (LABIC, LABIOTEC, LADS, LAGIRN, LAMAC, LAMC, LARIG, LART, LAS, LASTM, LIDR, LISG, are avaliable to host research activities for PhD students (experimental tests, numerical simulations, prototype development, etc.). The Department can accommodate about 60 new research projects per year.
Students have access to the facilities of the “F. P. Foraboschi,” “G. Michelucci,” and “G. P. Dore” libraries, which specialize in topics directly relevant to PhD@DICAM.
Journal subscriptions are managed by the University Library System, which includes over 60,000 electronic periodicals; more than 370 bibliographic, full-text, factual, and citation databases; over 440,000 electronic books including manuals, encyclopedias, dictionaries, reference works, etc.; over 11,000 doctoral and master's theses, and 100,000 digital teaching materials. Students can access the online database of documents or metadata from sources within the University Library System using their institutional credentials. If needed, they can receive assistance with research and access the physical texts at the “Foraboschi,” “Michelucci,” and “Dore” libraries or other university libraries.
The University Library System offers collections of books, journals, exam texts, and databases in traditional and electronic formats; provides bibliographic services to support teaching and research. It includes 24 libraries, with 47 access points and 4,500 reading seats. The total collection consists of 5,600,000 printed volumes, 5,800 print periodical subscriptions, and 66,000 online periodical subscriptions, 813,000 e-books, 315 databases, and over 26,000 doctoral and master's theses. Available services include online catalogs, consultation, local and interlibrary loan, document delivery, research assistance and guidance through tutorials and online services, digital library platforms for archiving and preserving publications produced at the university. Additional assistance and consultancy services are provided by the libraries to faculty and researchers (e.g., bibliometric services and support for OpenAccess).
In addition to the software available in the LAMC, LIDR, and LADI laboratories (e.g., R, MatLab, ANSYS Fluent, HYSYS, ACAD, etc.), PhD students can access and receive training on specialized software packages relevant to their research projects, such as advanced remote sensing analysis software, incident consequence simulation software, advanced structural modeling software, LCA analysis software, and other software available in the DICAM laboratory network.
Each PhD student is assigned a fixed workstation with a personal computer, high-definition monitor, connection to printing and scanning systems, and access to the local and external network. Access to a modern generation laptop is also provided. The department has medium-capacity networked workstations with necessary peripherals: LAMC (18), LIDR (18), LADI (40). The university also offers services for access to higher computing power.
The department provides dedicated workspaces for PhD students in the laboratories and offices at both campuses, ensuring fixed workstations for about 120 PhD students. Remote access to IT and computing services has been active for the main infrastructures since the beginning of the Covid-19 emergency.
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