Courses for PhD

List of the currently active courses for PhD@DICAM (3rd level courses)

3rd level courses (PhD courses) avaliable for year 2022/2023


Advanced non-linear modelling of reinforced concrete and masonry structures (Luca Pozza, Diego Talledo, Francesca Ferretti), 5 ECTS, 30h, ICAR/09

The course aims at introducing key elements of modelling of reinforced concrete and masonry structures. The lessons will focus on presentation of the theory on advanced numerical models for reinforced concrete structures, the introduction to the OpenSees software, theory on numerical modelling of masonry structures (mechanical behavior and modeling approaches) and the introduction to the Diana software. Lessons include practice in modeling, with use of different approaches and software, and examples of application.  


Advance in spatial data handling and GIS (Alessandro Lambertini), 3 ECTS, 15h, ICAR/06

The course aims at introducing key elements of advanced spatial data handling and Geographic Information System (GIS). The lessons will focus on presentation of Geographic Information System (GIS), metadata and open data, vector data processing and integration, database and data formats, raster data and imagery. Lessons include hand-on practice in data handling (exercises), with use of different approaches and software, and examples of application of interest for civil and environmental engineering applications.  


GNSS for displacement monitoring of structures and territory (Luca Tavasci), 3 ECTS, 15 h, ICAR/06

The course "GNSS for displacement monitoring of structures and territory " focuses on the description of the main surveying techniques based on the GNSS technology and the strategies to exploit derived data for displacement monitoring purposes. Five lessons are provided: the basic concepts on displacement monitoring and considerations on the scale of the problem are provided in the first class. In the second class the basics on GNSS positioning are provided and the use of the phase observable to exploit the technique best performance is discussed. Lessons 3 and 4 are dedicated to the real time techniques (RTK, NRTK, SBAS) and to the absolute precise positioning (PPP, real-time PPP) respectively. Finally, the fifth lesson focuses on the geodetic time series analysis, both for early warning and long-term monitoring applications. in the course several examples of applications are provided, along with details about the practical use of GNSS receivers.


Advanced dynamic simulation for risk assessment (Giacomo Antonioni, Giordano Scarponi), 3 ECTS, 15h, ING-IND/26

The course aims at introducing the main approaches and methods applicable to the topic of dynamic simulation in quantitative risk assessment. The lessons will focus on presentation of dynamic risk assessment for process industry, the modeling of industrial equipment exposed to hydrocarbon fire, the modeling of fires in buildings, the modeling of the impact of wildfires on urban and industrial areas. Lessons include practice in modeling, with use of different approaches and software, and presentation of case studies of dynamic simulation and risk assessment.  


Engineering for green energy transition: methods and tools (Alessandro Dal Pozzo, Ernesto Salzano, Alessandro Tugnoli), 3 ECTS, 15h, ING-IND/25

The course aims at introducing key methods and tools applicable to engineering activities in the field of green energy transition and circular economy. The lessons will start form the presentation of life cycle thinking and sustainability perspective applied to system analysis and then focus on the indicators used to assess environmental sustainability, the decarbonization of the energy and industrial systems, the implementation of sustainability in the design of new processes, the sustainability and safety implications of the use of innovative fuels in the sustainable energy perspective. Lessons will also introduce case studies and examples of application.  


Transport systems for urban sustainable mobility (Maria Nadia Postorino, C. Lantieri, F. Paganelli, P. Tataranni), 3ECTS, 15 h, ICAR/05

The course aims at introducing key elements of current trends and future perspectives in design and modeling of transport systems for urban sustainable mobility. The lessons will deal with two aspects: 1) design and planning of transport systems, focusing on approaches and modelling for sustainable mobility, shared mobility systems, fleet estimation and positioning, new trends and future perspectives in transport systems; 2) infrastructure, focusing on traffic calming techniques, design and materials for cycling paths, and environmental sustainability in urban area. Lessons will also introduce case studies and examples of application.  


Application of remote sensing and numerical modelling methods for rock mass characterization and slope stability analysis (Davide Donati), 3ECTS, 15h, GEO/05

The course aims to provide the students an understanding of the remote sensing techniques and numerical modelling methods that can be used to analyze rock masses, both in underground (e.g. for tunneling and mining) and in surface settings (e.g., for rock slope stability analysis). The course will allow students to: review the concepts of rock mechanics and rock slope stability, familiarize with remote sensing methods (e.g., laser scanning, digital photogrammetry) for rock mass characterization and discontinuity mapping, understand the advantages, limitations, and potential application to slope stability analysis of various numerical modelling methods (e.g., limit equilibrium, continuum and discontinuum methods, hybrid methods, lattice scheme methods). The course will also provide students with hands-on experience with discontinuity mapping in virtual outcrops (i.e., digital mapping of 3D models), data interpretation, and preliminary numerical modelling.