Achieving High Rate of Successes in Industry's Innovation

The seminar is held by dott. Fabio Albanese and and dott. Nicola Valpiani, who work at Electrolux as the Global Director and Head of Software/Firmware Engineering and the European Director, respectively. The seminar is part of the Master's Degree Course "Industrial Trends In Electronics M".

  • Date: 20 MAY 2022  from 16:00 to 18:00

  • Event location: AULA MAGNA FOSCOLO - Via Ugo Foscolo, 7 - Bologna - In presence and online event

  • Type: Seminar


Our modern world, as we all experienced in these days, it’s dominated by uncertainty and volatility; in the global electronics business the competition is fiercer than eve, we all deal with always more demanding customers. Agility in development shall meet consistency in product quality and timing, preserving reputation who plays a major role into consumers ‘choices.  Make the right roadmap strategical choice, controlling reliability and quality of products, especially of mass productions, it is not only a matter for the operations departments (pants) but it shall become a core value for all the parts of any modern manufacturing company.

It all starts with the concept and design phase itself, continues during the whole R&D activities by embedding best practices, processes and tools that give repeatability over the -still- very creative process of inventing future product. The goal is by design achieving more successes than failures. In this presentation you will see this concepts put in place in one of the largest product company in the industry.



Nicola Valpiani received his BSc in Automation Engineering and MSc in Computer science engineering both  from  the University of Bologna, writing thesis under supervision prof Marconi (Automation) and prof. Vigo (Computer science). He’s a R&D manager for the Electronic development of Food Preparation Major Appliances and SW and Firmware competence manager for the multinational AB Electrolux. After graduation Mr. Valpiani had various experiences in the field of the software and hardware development like development of automatic machineries, embedded system, PC software. He joined Electrolux in 2011 as SW developer, spending the following 11 years taking roles of increasing responsibilities (like Senior SW engineer, SW Architect, Site manager, Product Category manager). He mainly contribute to the growth of Electronic R&D center in Forlì, he is a Professional SCRUM Master and OPex (6 sigma) certified also the holder of some international patents.

Fabio Albanese received his MSc in Electronic Engineering from the University of Bologna, defending his thesis under the supervision of Prof. Metra in 2005. He holds a Master of Business Administration (MBA) from IE Business School, Madrid. He is currently the Group Head of Software/Firmware Engineering and Global Director of the Group Technology Organization in Electrolux. After graduation, Mr. Albanese started a consultant career as an electronic and software designer for embedded systems and  for the  industrial automation industry. Before moving to Electrolux, he’s worked for the multinational group Datalogic, a leader in IoT and Vision systems,  for 15+ years taking on roles of increasing responsibility and seniority (between the others  RF Senior Designer, Software Architect, New Product Engineering Manager, Global Senior Manager of SW and SW Quality, Director of R&D APAC). He lived in the US and in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, for 5 years where he founded and developed from scratch the first and now the largest offshore design center for Datalogic. During his tenure in Vietnam, he spent 4 years as the Vice President of the Italian Chamber of Commerce in Vietnam. He’s a Scrum Master, a Member of the IEEE and of the Computer Society and the holder of several international patents.


prof.ssa Cecilia Metra

Full Professor

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