
The Ph.D board

The ET-IT Board plans and manages the Ph.D. Programme: it is responsible for the scientific and educational activities within the doctoral course.

In details, the Ph.D. board:

  • defines the assessment criteria of the admission exam to the course;
  • identify of the supervisors;
  • plans the training and research activities, for each academic year and for each student;
  • the annual rules for evaluating the work done and the results produced by the doctoral students.

The Ph.D. Programme Director

Coordination of the Ph.D. Board is entrusted to a professor belonging to the University.

The Ph.D. Programme Coordinator is elected by the Ph.D. Board among its members and appointed by the Rector's Decree. He/She has a three-year tenure.

He/She oversees the activities of the Ph.D. program, convenes and chairs the Ph.D. Board.

The Ph.D. Programme Coordinator now in office is prof. Aldo Romani

ET-IT Students

Every academic year ET-IT enrolls several Ph.D. students. Each student typically joins a research group in one of the DEI operational sites in Bologna and Cesena.

In accordance with his/her supervisor, the students starts immediately to develop the research project. PhD students also have to attend specific training activities organized by the PhD board, as well as external qualified training activities.