Learning programme

ET-IT is taught completely in English and lasts 3 academic years.

People discussing in a lab

The educational path consists in a common program, aimed at providing the fundamental research enablers to every student along with networking opportunities.

It includes dedicated doctoral courses, courses on soft skills, creativity skills, and Scientific English language.

Moreover, the educational path includes an ad-hoc designed path for each individual PhD strictly related to the selected research topic.

Over the 3 years PhD students perfect their language skills (expression and argumentation), mature an original investigation methodology, interact with PhD Students in other subjects, create life lasting interpersonal relationships.

The educational path is designed ad-hoc for each Candidate and must include:

  • attending at least 180 hours of learning activities;
  • attending qualified international conferences;
  • submitting papers to international scientific publications.


Moreover, PhD students can, following the opinion of their supervisor advide, spend a research period abroad, hosted by a partner of the DEI Department.