Lectures on UHF RFID & Wireless power transfer for remote supply of wireless sensors

These lectures will be held by Jean-Marc Laheurte and prof. Hakim Takhedmit

  • Date:

    13 SEPTEMBER 2024
  • Event location: In presence and online event

  • Type: Lectures

Schedule TBD

This is an external activity approved by the PhD Board, which implies that:

  • it allows attendees only to request credit validation;
  • it does not allow attendees to accumulate attendance hours (applicable to cycle 38 and 39).

No credit request form or Supervisor's approval is required. Credits will be registered automatically.

1) Lectures on UHF RFID (4 HOURS)


Directeur du Laboratoire Electronique, SYstèmes de COmmunication et Microsystèmes (ESYCOM), UMR 9007 CNRS

Vice-président International délégué à la zone géographique Asie Moyen Orient

Generalities and Principles

HF versus UHF

Use Case: UHF Laundry Solution

UHF Spectrum regulations

Back Scattering Modulation and Maximum Read Range

UHF tags (860-960 MHz)

Propagation, absorption, detuning issues

EPC Gen2 protocol

Integrated circuit – Memory

Coding and Modulation

Anticollision algorithms


Research on new RFID concepts at University Gustave Eiffel

Statistical estimation of uplink and downlink degradation at tag label density

Rigourous design procedure of RIF tags in the presence of lossy matter (body, concrete, soil,...)


Sensing RFID: a new paradigm for urban and medical monitoring

Example 1: Development of A RFID  Sensor Network of Accelerometers for Pavement Monitoring

Example 2: Air quality monitoring based on capacitive sensors integrated into RFID tags: concepts and potential designs


2) Lectures on : Wireless power transfer for remote supply of wireless sensors  (4 hours)

Prof. Hakim Takhedmit

Maitre de Conférences

Responsable du Master 1 Électronique, Énergie Électrique et Automatique (E3A)

Institut d’Électronique et d'informatique Gaspard Monge (IGM)

CFR / ESYCOM - Laboratoire Electronique, Systèmes de Communication et Microsystèmes


  • Generalities and principles (2 hours) 9/9/2024
    • Wireless power transfer (WPT) versus energy harvesting (EH) 
    • Near field versus far field 
    • Rectenna circuit : components, topologies and arrays 
    • RF-to-dc conversion mechanism : efficiency and losses 
    •  Rectenna arrays versus antenna array 
    • Application to remote supply of WSN 
    • Examples of prototypes/demonstrators 
  • Power optimized waveform for wireless power transfer : multi-sine and pulse waveforms (1 hour) 
    • Simulation bench
    • Automated measurement setup 
  • Meta-materials and meta-surfaces for WPT and EH (1 hour) 
    • Simulation and modeling issues 
    • Prototypes and experimental results 

Final test for credits recognition


prof.ssa Alessandra Costanzo

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