Safety and Artificial Intelligence

The seminar is held by dott. Riccardo Mariani, Vice-President Industry Safety at NVIDIA, in the framework of the Master's Degree course "Industrial Trends In Electronics M"

  • Date: 09 MAY 2022  from 9:00 to 11:00

  • Event location: Room 27.A - Department of Electrical, Electronic, and Information Engineering "Guglielmo Marconi" DEI - Viale Risorgimento, 2 - Bologna - In presence and online event

  • Type: Seminar


The seminar will introduce standardization initiatives related to Safety and Artificial Intelligence, including an overview of related fault models, desired safety properties and techniques. Two examples will be described, one for automotive and one for autonomous mobile robots.



Riccardo Mariani is VP of Industry Safety at NVIDIA, he is responsible for driving safety alignment across NVIDIA’s automotive and embedded business units. Prior to NVIDIA, he was chief functional safety technologist at Intel Corporation. Riccardo Mariani is the current VP of IEEE Computer Society Standardisation Activities and also chair of the IEEE Computer Society Functional Safety Standards Committee (FSSC).


prof.ssa Cecilia Metra

Full Professor

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