Credits can be acquired by attending:
The amount of earned credits is proportional to the attended hours and is calculated as follows: 1 attended hour = 1 credit.
Also attending the following activities entitles PhD Students to a certain amount of credits as detailed belows.
From cycle 38 onwards PhD Students must attend at least 60 hours of the ET-IT training provided by the PhD Board throughout the entire three-year programme.
If you like to attend a master's degree activity, you need to ask authorization to the PhD Board. Please fill and email the specific request form in the box below to
In order to request credit validation a certificate of attendance and a certificate / proof of passing a final exam are required. If the amount of attendance hours is not highlighted in the certificate, you are also asked to provide a programme / schedule of the attended activity.
You need also to collect your Supervisor's approval for all the external activities that are not offered or approved by the PhD Board. A list of the activities offered or approved by the PhD Board is available HERE.
Once you have collected all the documents mentioned above, you should fill out the specific credit request form HERE.
Each request is submitted to the PhD Board for approval and it is examined in the following PhD Board meeting.
A declaration of attendance, indicating the number of hours attended, and successful completion of the final exam should be requested from the Professor. The declaration can be in the form of an email.
Once you have collected the declaration, you should fill out the specific credit request form HERE.
N.B. No Supervisor's approval is required.
Once you have collected the certificate of attendance, you should fill out the specific credit request form HERE.
For these courses, no final assessment is generally scheduled.
N.B. No Supervisor's approval is required.
Once the stay is over, please follow the procedure described HERE.
When the activity is over, the professor submits the list of attendees who have successfully passed the final assessment to the ET-IT Admin. Staff.
Then, the PhD Manager records the accumulated number of attendance hours / credits for each PhD Student.
N.B. No credit request form or Supervisor's approval is required. Credits will be recorded automatically.