Educational Activities - 37° cycle (I year)

Course in Advanced Methodologies

30 Nov 2021, h9:00-12:00 - Short course on DOE (Design of Experiment) part 1

Prof. Michele Scagliarini (ITA/ENG - 1 CFD - Online on Teams)

2 Dec 2021, h10:00-13:00 - Short course on DOE (Design of Experiment) part 2

Prof. Michele Scagliarini (ITA/ENG - 1 CFD - Online on Teams)

4 Feb 2022 - How to write and publish a scientific article

Prof. Marco Viceconti (ENG - 0,5 CFD - Online on Teams)

11 Feb 2022 - How to give a scientific presentation

Prof. Marco Viceconti (ENG - 0,5 CFD - Online on Teams)

16 Feb 2022, h16:00-18:00 - Le nuove frontiere della ricerca biomedica

Prof. Giovanna Cenacchi (ITA - 0,5 CFD - )

18 Feb 2022 - What is a model? An evolutionist perspective

Prof. Marco Viceconti (ENG - 0,5 CFD - Online on Teams)

Feb-March 2022 - Clinical methodology: the essential 1

Prof. Claudio Borghi (ENG - 1 CFD - )

Feb-March 2022 - Clinical methodology: the essential 2

Prof. Claudio Borghi (ENG - 1 CFD - )

March-April 2022 - Introduction to AI for Health and Well-being

Prof. Stefano Diciotti (ENG - 2 CFD - Online on Teams)

March-April 2022 - Research integrity and data irreproducibility in a translational medicine perspective

Prof. Laura Calzà (ENG - 0,5 CFD - Online on Teams)

March-May 2022 - Devices e sperimentazione clinica: metodologia ed implicazioni etiche

Prof. Cicero and Prof. Poluzzi (ITA - 2 CFD - Online on Teams)

May 2022 - Validation of numerical models

Prof. Luca Cristofolini and Prof. Marco Viceconti (ENG - 0,5 CFD - )


Courses on safety

UNIBO (ITA/ENG - 1 CFD for each module - On demand)

The protection of personal data - Training course for teachers, researchers, doctoral students, fellows and collaborators

UNIBO (ITA/ENG - 1 CFD - On demand)

Certificate of participation

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