The course will be held by dott. Ivano Notarnicola and is part of the training provided for IBES PhD Students (a.y.2023/2024) within the Automatic Control and Operational Research (ARO) curriculum.
Event location: Room 2.7A - Department of Electrical, Electronic, and Information Engineering "Guglielmo Marconi" DEI - Viale Risorgimento, 2 - Bologna
Type: IBES Course
Popular algorithms for unconstrained and constrained optimization will be presented and analyzed using a control-informed perspective. A system theoretical reinterpretation of the algorithmic schemes as discrete-time dynamical systems will be shown and used to prove the asymptotic convergence of the algorithms to the solution of the specific problem at hand. The extension to a distributed implementation of the algorithms will be also discussed.
This course is part of the training provided for IBES PhD Students in the academic year 2023/2024.
Those who succesfully attend and complete the course:
Check the links above for further information about the specific academic requirements for each cyle and how to comply with them.