The course will be held by prof. Cristiano Cuppini and prof. Bejamin Rowland and is part of the training provided for IBES PhD Students (a.y.2023/2024) within the Biomedical Engineering (BIO) curriculum.
Event location: Room 2.10 - UOS - Via dell’Università, 50 - Cesena - In presence and online event
Type: IBES Course
This course provides an in-depth exploration of modern research questions and methods in neuroscience, with a special emphasis on the pivotal roles that biomedical engineers can play in advancing this field. The course will include discussions on molecular and genetic methods, neurophysiology, cognition and decision-making, mathematical models of neural function, and clinical interventions. A key feature of the course is its practical component, in which students will have the opportunity to engage with international experts to iterate towards solutions to problems on cutting-edge challenges in neuroscience. These projects are structured to mirror professional international teamwork and require effective communication, critical thinking, and project management, offering students a real-world experience of the complexities and rewards of such projects. The course has several key learning objectives: acquiring essential scientific knowledge in neuroscience, understanding empirical methods and their limitations, and gaining practical experience in solving real-world neuroscience problems. Through this integrative approach, students will emerge with a deeper appreciation of the interdisciplinary nature of neuroscience and the diverse ways in which biomedical engineering can significantly contribute to innovation in the field.
This course is part of the training provided for IBES PhD Students in the academic year 2023/2024.
Those who succesfully attend and complete the course:
Check the links above for further information about the specific academic requirements for each cyle and how to comply with them.