Research seminars with external speakers are held each week. Experts from different fields of management present their latest research and PhD students have the opportunity to meet the speakers. Please visit  the DiSA events web page for more information.



My Cup of Tea is an internal initiative begun on January 2018 and aiming at connecting the department's Faculty with the doctoral students. Each month a Faculty member shares and discusses a working paper, a research project, or their whole research journey with the PhD students of all cycles in order to share information and personal experiences.

Please take note of the following meetings timetable 12.30-13.30:

  • Friday 25-11-2022 Gabriele Pizzi, Virginia Vannucci, Matilde Rapezzi, and Gian Luca Marzocchi: Blockchain-based applications and consumer perceptions
  • Friday 3-03-2023  Ludovico Bullini Contributing between trending topics and theoretical foundations: My journey in Organization and HRM research
  • Friday 28-04-2023  Magalì Fia and Angelo Paletta: Higher education and sustainability - Rescheduled 
  • Friday  24-05-2023 Toloue Miandar
  • Friday  23-06-2023 Andi Duqi: Banks and the real economy
  • Friday  29-09-2023 Antonio De Vito: Insights on tax research
  • Friday  27-10-2023 Luca Zan:  Research has been fun
  • Friday  24-11-2023  Annamaria Tuan e Marco Visentin: The power of words in marketing
  • Friday   15-12-2023  Elisa Villani



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