2015-today Full Professor of Technology and Innovation Management, School of Engineering, University of Bologna, Italy.Member of the Department of Management, University of Bologna
2019-2023 Coordinator of Bachelor and MSc Programs in Engineering Management, School of Engineering, University of Bologna
2004-2015 Associate Professor of Technology and Innovation Management, School of Engineering, University of Bologna, Italy. Member of the Department of Management, University of Bologna
2001-2004 Assistant Professor of Management, School of Engineering, University of Bologna
2005-today Member of the Scientific Committee of the PhD Program in General Management, Department of Management, University of Bologna
2007-2011 Director of the PhD Program in General Management, Department of Management, University of Bologna
2007-2010 Director of the Master in “Gestione della Proprietà Intellettuale” (Management of Intellectual Property), Alma Graduate School, University of Bologna
2001-present Responsible for the course “General Management”, Bachelor Degree of Industrial Engineering, School of Engineering, University of Bologna
2003-present Responsible for the course “Technology and Innovation Management”, Master Degree of Mechanical Engineering, School of Engineering, University of Bologna
2005 Visiting Researcher at the Cass Business School, City University, London.
2000 Visiting Researcher at the Ecole des Mines de Paris, Paris, France.
1998-99 Visiting Scholar at the Sloan School of Management, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, USA.
1997-2001 Ph.D. in Business Administration, Department of Management, University of Bologna, Italy.
1996 Degree (summa cum laude) in Industrial Engineering, University of Bologna, Italy.
Supervision of international and national research projects
1) 2015-2017 Coordinator, for the unit University of Bologna, of the Project Progress-TT (“PROs GRowing Europe through best practice SolutionS for Technology Transfer”), funded by the Horizon 2020 Program of the European Commission, Action “Capacity Building in Technology Transfer. Project coordinator: Pera Consulting (UK). Total amount of funding for Unibo: 200000 euro
2) 2012-2014. Co-coordinator (with Prof. Paola Giuri) of the research project “Financing Knowledge Transfer in Europe” (FinKT), Department of Management, University of Bologna, funded by the European Investment Bank under the programme EIBURS. Total amount of funding: 300000 euro (website:
2) 2006-2009. Principal investigator of the research project “The Economic Valuation of Patents” (EVPAT), Department of Management, University of Bologna, funded by the European Investment Bank, under the programme EIBURS. Total amount of funding: 300000 euro.
3) 2005-2006. Director of the research project “Does private equity foster innovation at the firm level? A study of Western European countries”, funded by the Gate2Growth Academic Network, sponsored by the European Commission.