By the end of the first year, Ph.D. students enrolled in the "Management" track are required to select the elective courses they plan to attend throughout the second year
Advanced Economics and Management of Innovation (24 hours)
Main Instructor: Paola Giuri
Entrepreneurship in Context (24 hours)
Main Instructor: Riccardo Fini
Heritage, History, and the Issue of Organizing (30 hours)
Main Instructor: Luca Zan
Second Cycle Degree in Innovation and Organization of Culture and the Arts (Department of Management)
Marketing/Modelling (18 hours)
Main Instructor: Chiara Orsingher
Organizational Behaviour (24 hours)
Main Instructor: Francesco Montani
The Nature, Boundaries, and Growth of the Firm (18 hours)
Main Instructor: Mariachiara Colucci