Associate Professor in Economia e Gestione delle Imprese, ssd SECS – P/08. Department of Management, Università di Bologna (2014 - present).
Scientific Director of the Master in Business Administration (MBA "Week-end" formula) at Bologna Business School (2016 - present).
Previously: Assistant Professor (Ricercatore a Tempo Indeterminato) in Economia e Gestione delle Imprese, ssd SECS – P/08, Department of Management, Università di Bologna (2006 - 2014).
- Doctoral Degree in Business Administration, Department of Management – Università di Bologna (2005).
- Research Assistant (Assegnista di ricerca), Department of Management – Università di Bologna (2005 - 2006: 14 months).
- Laurea summa cum laude in Business Administration, School of Economics, Università di Bologna (2000).
- Visiting Scholar at the Sol C. Snider Entrepreneurial Research Center - The Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania (2007).
- Visiting Scholar at Grenoble Ecole de Management (2012).
- Interfirm relationships (focus on brand licensing)
- Cultural intermediaries
- Sustainability and Circular Economy
- Creative industries (focus on the fashion industry)
- Quantitative and qualitative research methods
- Member of the: Dipartimento di Scienze Aziendali (UNIBO), Core Faculty of Bologna Business School, European Academy of Management, European Council for Small Business and Entrepreneurship, European Institute for Advanced Studies in Management, European Marketing Academy, European Group for Organizational Studies, Membro dell’Albo dei Revisori per la valutazione dei programmi e dei prodotti di ricerca ministeriale (dal 2011)
- Co-Editor in Chief of International Journal of Fashion Studies
- Referee for Organization Science, Business Strategy and the Environment, European Journal of Marketing, Psychology & Marketing, Circular Economy and Sustainability, Sustainable Production and Consumption, Cleaner Logistics and Supply Chain, Journal of Business Research, Journal of Global Fashion Marketing.
- Referee ANVUR- VQR (October 2012 - present).
- Guest Editor of ZoneModa Journal (International journal of cultural sociology - top-layer Italian Anvur Ranking), Issue on: “Rethinking fashion brands in the era of digital media” (2021).
- Scientific Committee of the Summer School in "Fashion and Creativity" (UNIBO) (2014, 2015, 2016).
- Scientific Committee of the Marconi Institute for Creativity for the "MIC Conference on Creativity" (2013, 2016).
- Member of the Commissione Paritetica of the School of Management and Economics (UNIBO).
- Scientific advisor for the agreement between UNIBO and Centergross S.r.l. (2017-18)
- University delegate for relations with the Fashion Research Italy Foundation.
- Academic Year 2006/07 - present: Strategic Management (Undergraduate Degree), School of Economics, Management and Statistics (Rimini Campus), Università di Bologna.
- Academic Year 2013/14 - present: Corporate Strategy (Graduate Degree), School of Economics, Management and Statistics, Università di Bologna.
- Academic Year 2014/15 - present: Strategic Management for the Fashion System, (Graduate Degree in Fashion Culture and Management), School of Arts, Humanities, and Cultural Heritage (Rimini Campus), Università di Bologna.
- Academic Year 2015/16 - present: Strategy and Marketing for Fashion Companies (Undergraduate Degree in Fashion Cultures and Techniques), School of Arts, Humanities, and Cultural Heritage (Rimini Campus), Università di Bologna.
- 2023 - present: PhD class "The nature, boundaries and growth of the firm"
- 2016 - 2022: Strategic Management in the Fashion Companies, at Fashion Research Italy
- 2014 - present: Strategic Management, Business Modeling, Corporate Strategy at Bologna Business School
- 2008 - 2014: Introduction to Management, at SPISA (Fondazione Alma Mater), Università di Bologna.
Author of several articles, some of them in leading academic journals (rated 4*, 4 and 3 ABS) and of book chapters. Author of the books: "I confini dell’impresa di moda. Tra sviluppo interno e brand licensing", McGraw-Hill: Milano (2012); "La moda circolare. Prospettive teoriche ed evidenze empiriche" Aracne editrice: Roma (2023).
Author of articles accepted and presented in meetings and conferences such as: EGOS Conference, Euram Conference, MIC Conference, Academy of Management Meeting (AoM), Creativity and Creative Industries Workshop (University of Brighton), Strategic Management Society Conference; Cass Knowledge Workshop (Cass Business School); Marketing Science Conference; EMAC Conference; EIASM Conference “RENT Research in Entrepreneurship and Small Business”; Società Italiana di Marketing; AIDEA Giovani.