
A teaching activity transversal to all curricula is provided over the three years of the course.

The transversal activity is mainly focused on fundamental issues for the planning of research activity (quality management system in research activity; animal welfare and ethics, use of animals for scientific and educational purposes; preparation of protocols for authorization requests for experiments that require the use of animals; study design; bioinformatics and statistics; validation of laboratory methods and application in experimental and/or clinical studies; competitive design and fundraising; scientific writing; antimicrobial resistance; research and innovation for the development of new therapies; postdoc research opportunities in Italy and abroad).

Courses on safety in the medical-veterinary environment will also be activated. Scientific English courses will be activated in collaboration with the Centro Linguistico di Ateneo.
Participation in other transdisciplinary teaching activities offered by the Department and the University is also advised.

More information in the Italian PhD website