
Ti interessa il dottorato di ricerca? - Interested in a PhD programme?

Partecipa online il 26 febbraio dalle 10:30 alle 11:30 su MsTeams. L’occasione per scoprire perché il dottorato è il giusto punto di partenza per accrescere la tua formazione e intraprendere un percorso di ricerca.

Participate online on 26 February from 10:30 to 11:30 a.m. on MsTeams. A chance to find out why the PhD is a great starting point in advancing your education and embarking on a research career. The event will be held in Italian.

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Call for Startup 2024-2025

È stato pubblicato il bando Call for Startup 2024-2025, che ogni anno seleziona le migliori “Idee emergenti” e le “Startup già costituite” di studentesse, studenti e neo-laureate/i dell’Università di Bologna!
I team vincitori saranno accompagnati lungo un percorso di pre-incubazione che comprende varie iniziative di business development orientate alla costituzione di startup: un percorso formativo tenuto da esperti di sviluppo imprenditoriale, mentoring One-to-One, supporto per il rafforzamento dei vostri team, utilizzo di spazi di co-working, partecipazione all’evento Startup Day per far conoscere i vostri progetti agli stakeholder del sistema dell’innovazione nazionale.
 Partecipa a Dare forma alle Idee @Unibo, l’incontro di presentazione del bando che si terrà l’11 dicembre dalle ore 14.00 presso la Conference Room di AlmaLabor, in via Ugo Foscolo 7, Bologna. Riceverai informazioni sull’iter della candidatura, potrai avanzare dubbi e domande e avrai occasione di incontrare alcuni dei team imprenditoriali che hanno preso parte al percorso 2023-2024. L’incontro si concluderà con un Talk sull'Imprenditorialità studentesca, a cura della dott.ssa Azzurra Meoli, Unibo.

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Marconi Fellows meet University of Bologna PhD

What will the next fifty years look like from a social and technological perspective? What is the future of artificial intelligence? These are some of the topics that will be discussed at the meeting on 25 October at the Sala dell'VIII Centenario. Register for the event by 23 October.

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Coimbra Group Three-Minute-Thesis Competition

Your research in 3 minutes. Apply by 18 December

Applications are open for the Coimbra Group Three-Minute-Thesis Competition. If you're a final-year PhD student, don't miss the chance to present your research in English in just 3 minutes.

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Una Europa Virtual Exchanges for Sustainability

Are you interested in global sustainability? Join the Una Europa Virtual Exchanges for Sustainability (UnaVEx)

From 24 February to 28 March 2025, the multidisciplinary and intercultural encounters include lessons on the topic of sustainability and "Virtual Exchange" activities, carried out in international groups. Registrations open until 1 February.

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Young Researchers Grant - Utrecht Network

Apply to the call for applications offering researchers up to 20 scholarships of €1,200 each for short-term mobility. Application deadline:20 February.

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Unlocking the Future of Data Science - PhD webinar

Are you a graduate or researcher passionate about data science who has not resided or carried out your activities in Italy for more than one year in the last three years? Join the webinar on 15 May to discover PhD open positions.

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housing condition of students

What is the housing condition of students? Help us understand by filling out the questionnaire
Housing is a growing obstacle to education. The survey will help understand it, engage stakeholders, and push for concrete solutions.

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Photo contest: "A Wacky Day as a PhD Student"

Take part in the contest and share, through images, your daily life during your PhD journey. Submissions are open until 8 December.

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Una Europa Talk: Connections in International Relations – 28 November 2024

Register to join the livestream of the event to explore the future of international academic relations in a world shaped by key issues such as demographic shifts and migration patterns.

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