Carbon dioxide subsurface storage in any of its modalities involves legal, geoscience, engineering and financial aspects. This web of interconnected themes requires multidisciplinary and integrated teams focused on determining storage feasibility, including Monitoring, Verification and Accounting (MVA). This seminar will provide an encompassing presentation on aspects of subsurface storage that affect the design of storage projects. To help with the understanding of the different concepts, the seminar will be divided into three lectures. First, concepts of flow through porous media will be introduced. Second, laboratory measurements relevant to modeling this process, including geochemical interactions between carbonic acid and rock will be shown. Finally, modeling results and associated methods will be presented. Results from several projects funded by the US Department of Energy will be presented. The seminar is intended to be interactive, son open to questions at any time.
Speaker CV:
Vladimir Alvarado is a Full Professor in the Department of Chemical and Biomedical Engineering, and Adjunct Professor in the Departments of Geology and Geophysics, Energy and Petroleum Engineering as well as the School of Energy Resources at the University of Wyoming. He started his career at the Venezuelan State Oil Company Research Center, PDVSA-Intevep. He served as Adjunct Associate Professor at USB (Caracas, Venezuela) from 1999 to 2003 in the Department of Thermodynamics and Transfer Phenomena. In 2003, Dr. Alvarado was a Visiting Professor at PUC-Rio, Brazil. From 2005 to 2008 he acted as a senior consultant for Norwest Corp. In 2006, he joined the Department of Chemical and Petroleum Engineering University of Wyoming. Alvarado holds a B.Sc. in Physics from UCV, a Masters in Exploration and Production from IFP (Institut Français du Pétrole, Paris, France) and a Ph.D. degree in Chemical Engineering, from University of Minnesota. He has published more than 100 peer-review publications, book chapters and conference proceedings. He co-authored the book “Enhanced Oil Recovery: Field Planning and Development Strategies” (Gulf-Publishing - Elsevier, 2010), also translated into Russian and Portuguese. He has mentored students at USB and UCV (Venezuela), PUC-Rio (Brazil) and the University of Wyoming.