Marco Abbondanza

Marco Abbondanza

Research topic: employment of Real-time/FPGA architectures for test and control of automotive engines

Anton Bahu

Anton Bahu

Research topic: dynamic testbed for nanosatellite attitude determination and control systems

Juri Belcari

Juri Belcari

Research topic: detection of gases in batteries and related phenomena

Raluca Alina Bisag

Raluca Alina Bisag

Research topic: development and optimization of techniques and design parameters for the engineering of atmospheric pressure plasma devices

Guido Bocchieri

Alessandro Brusa

Alessandro Brusa

Research topic: development and experimental validation of innovative model-based control strategies for spark ignition turbocharged engines

Andrea Chierici

Andrea Chierici

Research topic: computational fluid dynamics and numerical simulations of fluid structure interaction problems

Davide Cocchi

Davide Cocchi

Research topic: methodologies for the design of nano-reinforced composites components

Giulia Fratoni

Giulia Fratoni

Research topic: standardization of procedures and calculation models for the numerical simulation of the acoustics of enclosed  spaces

Andrea Gallo

Andrea Gallo

Research topic: industrial mechanical systems engineering

Edoardo Ida

Edoardo Ida

Research topic: kinematics and dynamics of under-actuated cable driven parallel robots

Riccardo Lasagni Manghi

Riccardo Lasagni Manghi

Research topic: orbit determination and gravity science in proximity of small bodies

Stefano Mini

Stefano Mini

Research topic: modelling of solid rocket motor internal ballistics and thermal protections ablation

Saverio Ottaviano

Saverio Ottaviano

Research topic: experimental and numerical analysis of micro-ORC energy systems driven by low temperature renewable sources

Emanuele Pesaresi

Emanuele Pesaresi

Research topic: advanced mission synthesis algorithms for vibration-based accelerated life-testing

Sergio Piastra

Sergio Piastra

Research topic: mixed reality applications in industry and services

Marco Povolo

Marco Povolo

Research topic: study, analysis and experimental tests of the behavior of innovative tubes made of composite materials

Matteo Ricci

Matteo Ricci

Research topic: experimental and numerical analysis of the impact of water injection on spark ignition engines

Jessica Rosati

Jessica Rosati

Research topic: optimal management criteria of complex energy distribution networks

Gian Maria Santi

Gian Maria Santi

Research topic: mesh morphing methods for virtual prototyping and mechanical component optimization

Lavinia Tonelli

Lavinia Tonelli

Research topic: correlation between production process, microstructure and mechanical properties of additively manufactured metallic components

Alessandro Tufano

Alessandro Tufano

Research topic: implementation of data analytics in the field of supply chain management