Each applicant can apply for more than one PhD programme.
In order to submit the application, applicants shall:
1. Access Studenti Online and log in using their credentials or register by providing the required information. After registering applicants will receive their credentials, i.e. name.surname@studio.unibo.it. This will be the only email account (which will be activated upon registration) where they will receive all eventual communication regarding the admission procedure. Applicants must use this address to send emails to any University office. To ensure the protection of the applicants’ privacy, the University administrative offices will not be able to reply to emails sent by accounts other than name.surname@studio.unibo.it.
2. Select “Admission application” and follow the online procedure;
3. Fill in the first part of the application form, in order to access to the attachments upload section (candidates are allowed to access to their application several times, to complete or modify it, up to the submission);
4. Upload the required documents, as detailed in the table below, exclusively in .pdf format. Applicants will not be able to upload any supporting document after the deadline of this call; after providing all the required information and documents the application will show the status “Application filled in: You can submit the application”;
5. To finalize the application, select “Submit”. Any application not submitted by the deadline will be rejected. After submission, the application will show the status “Application submitted: Your application has been successfully submitted”. No communication will be sent to applicants about the successful submission of their application.
After the deadline, all the submitted applications will be forwarded to the Admission Board, and the status will change to “Application checked”. To be valid and eligible, all applications must be filled in and submitted following exclusively the instructions detailed in the call.