PNRR financial support for PhD scholarships co-funded by business companies

The new implementing Decrees of the Italian PNRR (National Recovery and Resilience Plan - Next Generation EU Fund) have made funds available for PhD scholarships co-funded by business companies.

Published on 28 April 2023

In particular, companies interested in the University of Bologna International PhD program in Engineering and Information Technology for Structural and Environmental Monitoring and Risk Management may support the awarding of a three-year scholarship by paying a lump sum of 46.750€.

The PhD program focuses on Modeling and Analysis (Focus Area 1), Sensing Technologies (Focus Area 2) and Data Integration/Interrogation (Focus Area 3) for:

  • health monitoring of civil and industrial structures and infrastructures,
  • performance monitoring of networks (gas, water, electric, road, rail, etc.),
  • monitoring and managing air and hydrogeological systems

These are the main benefits for the supporting companies:

  • participate in the definition of the PhD research topic
  • the possibility of participating in the selection process, in order to express an opinion on the suitability of the candidates with respect to the specific research topic funded
  • appointment of a co-supervisor to supervise the activities carried out by the PhD student
  • the recruited students will carry out part of the activities (at least 6 months) at the company's premises
  • developing human potential, with a view to possible employment at the end of the PhD.

Moreover, the Italian Government offers to companies the opportunity to benefit of a two-year tax relief when hiring of PhDs, research fellows and researchers in addition to co-financing directly PhD posts with scholarships.

The deadline to submit the expressions of interest  is June 13th, 2023.

For any further information, please contact the UniBO Business Relations Department: