Curriculum 2
Supervisor: Prof. Stefania Falfari. Co-supervisor: Prof. Gian Marco Bianchi
Curriculum 2 - Research Topic: Advanced Digital Twins for the analysis and optimization of the vehicle dynamics of agricultural tractors.
Supervisor: Prof. Alberto Martini. Co-supervisor: Prof. Alessandro Rivola
Curriculum 1 - Research Topic: Innovative solutions for the design and management of automotive production systems and for intelligent mobility.
Supervisor: Prof. Mauro Gamberi. Co-supervisor: Prof. Alberto Regattieri
Curriculum 3 - Research Topic: Open-source technologies for AI-based HMIs in automotive applications
Supervisor: Prof. Simone Benatti. Co-supervisor: Prof. Davide Rossi
Curriculum 2 - Research Topic: Development of complete powertrain simulators and innovative control strategies for hybrid race cars.
Supervisor: Prof. Alessandro Brusa. Co-supervisor: Prof. Nicolò Cavina
Curriculum 2 - Research Topic: Predictive models for polluting emissions aimed at implementation in powertrain control systems and their integration into On Board Monitoring strategies.
Supervisor: Prof. Nicolò Cavina. Co-supervisor: Prof. Alessandro Brusa
Curriculum 1
Supervisor: Prof. Alessandro Fortunato. Co-supervisor: Prof. Erica Liverani
Curriculum 1
Supervisor: Prof. Alessandro Fortunato. Co-supervisor: Prof. Erica Liverani