
List of activities planned by the PhD board. An online calendar with the activities planned for students is available at:

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Eventi in corso o in programma

Concluded events

28 JUNE 2024

Summer School on "Electrical Machines and Drives for Green Transportation systems"

“Enzo Ferrari” Department of engineering, in Modena, Italy.

Non-compulsory Summer School organized by DORNA Project, in collaboration with the Electrical Machine and Power Electronics Technical Committees of the IEEE IES, IEEE PELS, MUNER, UniMoRe, MOST and Fondazione Democenter

21 JUNE 2024

MATLAB Course for DIN PhD Students 2024

LAB6 (via Terracini 28, Bologna)

Compulsory Course for 39th Cycle PhD Students (non-compulsory for other cycles) entitled "MATLAB Course for DIN PhD Students 2024" by Dr. Paolo Panarese*, Prof. Carlo Alberto Rinaldini and Dr. Giulia Laghi. *EDU Academic Team - Principal Education Customer Success Engineer, The MathWorks Srl.

07 JUNE 2024

Metodi Innovativi NVH per l'Industria 4.0

Aula 1, Polo Scientifico Tecnologico dell’Università degli Studi di Ferrara

Non-compulsory workshop in Italian on "Metodi Innovativi NVH per l'Industria 4.0". The registration is mandatory.

10 MAY
24 MAY 2024

Thermal Comfort for Automotive Applications

DIN (Viale Risorgimento 2, Bologna), Room TBD.

In this series of seminars, an insight is proposed into the most recent advances in the study of thermal comfort with specific reference to applications in the automotive sector. A brief description of the program is in the attached flyer.

15 MAY 2024

Women4Mobility - The green transition as opportunity

Aula Magna E. Mattei - Scuola di Ingegneria Viale del Risorgimento 2 40136 Bologna

Non-compulsory seminar entitled "Women4Mobility - The green transition as opportunity".

15 MAY 2024

La metallurgia delle polveri: aspetti tecnici ed economici

Online event

Non-compulsory seminar in Italian on "La metallurgia delle polveri: aspetti tecnici ed economici" held by Eng. F. Della Ricca

14 MAY 2024

La conformità e sostenibilità dei materiali: le possibilità offerte dalle banche dati

Online event

Non-compulsory seminar in Italian on "La conformità e sostenibilità dei materiali: le possibilità offerte dalle banche dati" held by Dr. Chiara Manoni

30 APRIL 2024

Aspetti tecnico-economici della laminazione dell'acciaio

Online event

Non-compulsory seminar in Italian on "Aspetti tecnico-economici della laminazione dell'acciaio" held by Eng. Alessandro Ferraiulo (MARCEGAGLIA)

30 APRIL 2024

Shape Memory Alloys

Online event

Non-compulsory seminar entitled "Shape Memory Alloys" held by Prof. Annalisa Fortini, University of Ferrara.

16 APRIL 2024

Aspetti Economici del Trattamento Termico degli acciai

Online event

Non-compulsory seminar in Italian on "Aspetti Economici del Trattamento Termico degli acciai" held by Eng. Luca Calcinelli (SIDERIT)

16 APRIL 2024

Understanding Perceptive Deep Learning and Generative AI in Automotive Applications

Aula 7.4 Viale Saragozza, Bologna - In presence and online event

Non-compulsory seminar on "Understanding Perceptive Deep Learning and Generative AI in Automotive Applications" held by Ph.D. Francesco Rundo (STMicroelectronics)

16 FEBRUARY 2024


In presence and online event

This series of seminars offered to all PhD students enrolled at the University of Bologna covers some core aspects of scientific computing and its application to biomedical science in particular and to any other interdisciplinary domain in general. Participation is optional.