International Conference
Data: 13 MAGGIO 2022
Luogo: Bologna (blended event)
Registration are free of charge and still open:
The Zoom link will be shared with registered participants a few days before.
More information:
La conferenza - organizzata nell’ambito delle attività del Progetto Dipartimenti Eccellenti - mira a stimolare una riflessione sulla visione strategica e le tendenze dell'architettura/ambiente costruito relative al piano NEXT GENERATION EU, che dovrebbero essere implementate alle diverse scale.
Topic 1 - Shaping Climate Resilient Cities of Tomorrow
Topic 2 - Energy, Buildings, Users: Pathways for Effective Integration
Topic 3 - Adapting Systems and Components to the Next Generation Needs
Topic 4 - Towards Circular Systems: Prediction, Simulation, Assessment Tools