Collegio Docenti 40° ciclo

Matteo Cassani Simonetti - Coordinatore

Matteo Cassani Simonetti - Coordinatore

Annalisa Trentin - (Coordinatrice fino al 2024)

Annalisa Trentin - (Coordinatrice fino al 2024)

Fabrizio Ivan Apollonio - Direttore di Dipartimento

Fabrizio Ivan Apollonio - Direttore di Dipartimento

Vanessa Assumma

Vanessa Assumma

Dijon Moraes jr - Membro esterno

Dijon Moraes jr - Membro esterno



Full Professor of the Universidade do Estado de Minas Gerais – UEMG; PhD in Design by the Politecnico di Milano, with research of post-doctorate in the same institute. Due to the conjunct of his practical and theoretic work, has obtained recognition in Brazil and abroad. He is the author of the awarded books: “Limítes do Design”; “Análise do design brasileiro”; and “Metaprojeto: o design do design”; among others. He held twice the position of Rector of the Universidade do Estado de Minas Gerais – UEMG; Member of the College of Doctors of the Graduate School of Design; Leader of the Research Group in Theory and Culture in the CNPq Brazilian´s Agency of Research; Coordinator of the Center of Design Studies, Theory and Culture and Research as well as Editor of the Collection of Advanced Studies in Design at the same University.

Carola Hein - Membro esterno

Carola Hein - Membro esterno



Carola Hein is Professor and Head, History of Architecture and Urban Planning Chair at Delft University of Technology. She has published widely in the field of architectural, urban and planning history and has tied historical analysis to contemporary development. Among other major grants, she received a Guggenheim Fellowship to pursue research on The Global Architecture of Oil and an Alexander von Humboldt fellowship to investigate large-scale urban transformation in Hamburg in international context between 1842 and 2008, and a Volkswagen Foundation grant for a mixed method digital humanities project ArchMediaL. Her current research interests include the transmission of architectural and urban ideas, focusing specifically on port cities and the global architecture of oil. She has curated Oildam: Rotterdam in the oil era 1862-2016 at Museum Rotterdam. She serves as IPHS Editor for Planning Perspectives and as Asia book review editor for Journal of Urban History.

Her books include: The Routledge Planning History Handbook (2018), Uzō Nishiyama, Reflections on Urban, Regional and National Space (2017), History, Urbanism, Resilience, Proceedings of the 2016 IPHS conference (2016), Port Cities: Dynamic Landscapes and Global Networks (2011), Brussels: Perspectives on a European Capital (2007), European Brussels. Whose capital? Whose city? (2006), The Capital of Europe. Architecture and Urban Planning for the European Union (2004), Rebuilding Urban Japan after 1945 (2003), andCities, Autonomy and Decentralisation in Japan. (2006), Hauptstadt Berlin 1957-58 (1991). She has also published numerous articles in peer-reviewed journals, books, and magazines.

Stefen Holzer - Membro esterno

Stefen Holzer - Membro esterno



Chair of Building Research and Construction History, ETH Zurich, Switzerland

Piotr Kuroczyński - Membro esterno

Piotr Kuroczyński - Membro esterno



Professor of Computer Science and Visualization in Architecture, Head of the Institute of Architecture, Hochschule Mainz – University of Applied Sciences, Deutschland - Fields of research: computing in art and architecture, digital 3d reconstruction, visualization, data modeling, e-documentation

Piotr Kuroczyński is an architect specializing in the field of digital 3D reconstruction, documentation and visualization of cultural heritage. Since 2005, he has been researching and teaching at the unit Information and Communication Technology in Architecture of Professor Manfred Koob at the Technische Universität Darmstadt. After his doctorate in architecture in 2010 he has also been a lecturer at the unit Computer Aided Design at the Warsaw University of Technology and at the Digital Design Unit at the Technische Universität Darmstadt. Since 2013 he has been a scientific member of staff and project coordinator at the Herder Institute for Historical Research on East Central Europe. He is co-founder and convenor of the Digital Reconstruction Working Group of the Digital Humanities in German-speaking Region Association. Since 2017 he has been Professor for Computer Science and Visualization in Architecture at the Hochschule Mainz – University of Applied Sciences Mainz. Since 2018 he is the head of the Institute of Architecture. His interests include Virtual Research Environments, semantic data modeling, Building Information Modeling, 3D modeling, documentation and visualization standards for digital 3Dreconstruction of cultural heritage.


Ana Clara Mourao Moura - Membro esterno

Ana Clara Mourao Moura - Membro esterno

Rasmus Henrik Reeh - Membro esterno

Rasmus Henrik Reeh - Membro esterno



Associate Professor of Humanistic Urban Studies and Modern Culture, University of Copenhagen, Faculty of Humanities, Department of Arts and Cultural Studies, Comparative Literature / Modern Culture & Cultural Communication

Rosa Schiano-Phan - Membro esterno

Rosa Schiano-Phan - Membro esterno

Uwe Schröder - Membro esterno

Uwe Schröder - Membro esterno





983 Abitur; 1984-1985 Zivildienst; 1985-1986 Ausbildung zum Bauzeichner, 1986-1992 Studium der Architektur an der Rheinisch-Westfälischen Technischen Hochschule RWTH Aachen, Mitarbeit im Architekturbüro Prof. O. M. Ungers in Köln, Frankfurt und Berlin (1988-1990), 4. Hamburger Bauforum bei Prof. J. P. Kleihues (1990), Sommerakademie bei Prof. W. A. Noebel (1990), Gaststudium an der Kunstakademie Düsseldorf bei Prof. O. M. Ungers (1991-1992); 1992 Diplom in Architektur bei Prof. W. Döring, Aachen; 1992-1995 Aufbaustudium Baukunst an der Kunstakademie Düsseldorf; 1993ff. Gründung des eigenen Architekturbüros in Bonn, zahlreiche Auszeichnungen und Preise für das gebaute Werk, u.a. Deutscher Kritikerpreis in der Sparte Architektur (2004), Stipendium der Deutschen Akademie Rom Villa Massimo (2005), Architekturpreis Nordrhein-Westfalen (Auszeichnung 2011), zahlreiche Ausstellungen und Beteiligungen an Ausstellungen, u.a. „Uwe Schröder. Architettura degli spazi“, Chiesa dello Spirito Santo, Cesena, Italia (2010) und „Uwe Schröder. Sugli spazi della città“, Palazzo della Gran Guardia, Padova, Italia (2011); 1995 Meisterschüler bei Prof. L. Ortner, Kunstakademie Düsseldorf; 2000-2002 Lehrauftrag im Fach Grundlagen des Entwerfens an der Fachhochschule Bochum; 2003-2004 Vertretungsprofessur für Entwerfen und Architekturtheorie an der Fachhochschule Köln; 2004-2008 Annahme des Rufes auf die Professur für Entwerfen und Architekturtheorie an der Fakultät Architektur der Fachhochschule Köln; 2006 Studienaufenthalt in Italien, Olevano Romano, Casa Baldi, Stipendium der Deutschen Akademie Rom; 2008ff. Annahme des Rufes an das Lehr- und Forschungsgebiet Raumgestaltung der Fakultät Architektur, Rheinisch-Westfälische Technische Hochschule RWTH Aachen; 2009-2010 Gastprofessur an der Università di Bologna, Facoltà di Architettura "Aldo Rossi", Italien; 2016 Gastprofessur an der Università degli Studi di Napoli "Federico II", Dipartimento di Architettura, Italien; 2016 Gastprofessur am Politecnico di Bari, Dipartimento di Scienze dell'Ingegneria Civile e dell'Architettura (dicar), Italien.

Lamberto Tronchin

Lamberto Tronchin