CHANCES Practices, spaces and buildings in cities’ transformation


  • Data: 24 OTTOBRE 2019  dalle 9:00 alle 19:00

  • Luogo: DAMSLab, Piazzetta P. P. Pasolini 5b, Bologna

  • Tipo: Convegni

Conferenza Internazionale a cura dei Dottorandi del XXXIII ciclo



The scientific committee is composed by the editor in chief of SCIRES-IT and the members of the academic board of the Phd in Architecture and Design Cultures of the department of Architecture of the Alma Mater Studiorum - University of Bologna.


XXXIII PhD cycle: Lorenzo Badini, Anna Bonora, Ilaria Cattabriga, Giorgio Dall’Osso, Claudia De Luca, Eleonora Fantini, Caterina Morganti, Karilene Rochink Costa, Elena Vai, Francesco Volta.




CHANCES is an international conference that aims to explore, from a multidisciplinary perspective, the fragile but continuous urban transformation through the effective contribution of culture, nature and technology. The aim of this conference is to provide a deeper understanding of urban transformations’ research and practices, focusing on the use, re-use, design, renovation and innovative governance and management of public spaces, urban commons and buildings. We believe that these thoughts will largely contribute to shape and increase sustainable design, construction and planning in constant cities’ transformation. Contributions can build on reflections and studies concerning current or historical approaches that are changing or drastically changed the cities we lived in.


Society should be a great laboratory in which social forms are experimented, new solutions and meanings are produced. Practices and relationships in continuous transformation, generate the different times of the city and shape its spaces. People, in their various expressions, play a key role in the creation of new and renewed processes and systems connected to local business networks, stimulating the design to differentiated and complementary scales (from micro to macro). They enhance participation of the communities, creating impact through concrete initiatives, playing a role of mediation and anticipating future scenarios. Contributions about actions, projects and design practices for transforming cities driven by the behaviour of citizens and favoured by design driven processes are expected for this topic. The following topics will be explored

  • Design cultures;
  • Design for behavior;
  • Temporality, time-factor and city; Design for urban relations.

How design cultures can contribute on the constant cities’ transformation? How time and space play a key role on the project of the city?


Public spaces and urban commons play a fundamental role in cities’ transformation and regeneration. Culture, nature, and technology can strongly contribute to increase the social, environmental and economic value of urban public spaces. Contributions about strategies, plans and practices for the use, re-use, transformation and regeneration of public spaces are expected for this topic. This track will welcome inputs from the past, the present and the future of public spaces potential, functions and uses. The following topics will be explored:

  • Urban regeneration through public spaces;

  • Liveable, active and healthy public spaces;

  • Nature-based solutions for greener public spaces.

How planning and design of multi-functional public spaces can contribute to boost sustainable urban transformation and regeneration?

How can nature, technological innovation and cultural transformation contribute to the re-design of urban public spaces?


The transformation of the cities has a direct connection with the practices of intervention in the building market sector. The dialogue between architecture and engineering allows intervention in urban contexts to respond to the needs for densification, expansion or requalification. The heterogeneity of the buildings determines a multitude of practices, starting from preventive conservation interventions and ending up, sometimes, in complete buildings’ reconstruction. This process brings continuous changes in terms of strategies, instruments, design methods and techniques. The implementation of new building design along with energetic retrofit, structural renovation, restoration, conservation, reuse, demolition and reconstruction interventions are the necessary steps to tailor and customize the built environment to cities challenges and transformations. Furthermore, the widespread use of innovative technologies has accompanied these processes to renovate design methods and digital detection. This track welcomes papers on new building design, innovative techniques, instruments, and interventions for buildings’ representation, renovation and restoration. The following topics will be explored:

  • Design of new buildings;

  • Interventions on historical buildings;

  • Strategies for preventive conservation and structural renovation of

    existing buildings;

  • Energy efficiency, Microclimate control and monitoring systems;

  • Prefabricated technological systems in construction practices;

  • BIM and HBIM Technologies;

  • New technologies for surveying and for virtual representation (VaR).

How does architectural practices of new design project and restauration contribute to the evolution of the urban environments?

Which is the current state of design and construction practices?
Which methods, tools and technologies could be applied in the design processes of new and existing buildings?


Please send your abstract within the 15thof May, 2019 to in pdf format. Abstract must not exceed 300 words; one or two images (jpg/tif, 72 dpi) can be attached with a letter assessing that are cleared from publication rights. Abstracts should include: author’s details and contacts, affiliation, the track chosen (1-3) and three keywords. The official language for submission is English. Bibliography and notes should follow the APA style.


Selected papers will be published in 2020 on a special issue of the SCIRES-IT, indexed in SCOPUS and in WoS Core Collection (ESCI) and ranked by ANVUR as a “Scientific journal” for Areas 10-11-13-14 and rated “CLASS A” Journal for the Area 08 – Architecture.


Following the communication of acceptance of the full paper, a registration fee must be paid within fifteen days, failing which the paper will not be included in the conference’s program and proceedings. Conference fee:

- € 100,00 Registration
- € 50,00 PhD and student registration

The conference fee includes the presentation, the attendance to all the scientific sessions and coffee breaks.


  • 15 May Abstract Submission Deadline
  • 31 May Abstract Acceptance Notification
  • 30 June Full Paper Submission Deadline
  • 26 July Full Paper Review Notification
  • 10 September Accepted Full Papers Final Manuscript Deadline
  • 11 September Online Registration and Payment 
  • 30 September Online Registration and Payment Deadline
  • 1 October Keynotes Announcement
  • 24 October International Conference


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