CURATING THE CITY SYMPOSIUM a network of art, architecture and nature curatorial events in european cities

Eventi Dipartimento di Eccellenza

  • Data: 12 DICEMBRE 2019  dalle 11:00 alle 18:00

  • Luogo: DAMSLab Theater Piazzetta P.P. Pasolini, 5/b Bologna

  • Tipo: Seminari


Referente: Prof. Annalisa Trentin

Crediti: 1


Organized byAnnalisa Trentin, Anna Rosellini and Amir Djalali

With LUCA GALOFARO (University of Camerino/Orléans Architecture Biennale), ANDRES JACQUE(OFFPOLINN/Columbia GSAPP), SÉBASTIEN MAROT (ENSA Paris Ma- laques/Lisbon Architecture Triennale), MARINA OTERO VERZIER (Het Nieuwe Instituut/ Oslo Architecture Triennale), ANGELA RUI (Design Academy Eindhoven/Design Biennale Ljubljana),I PPOLITO PESTELLINI LAPARELLI (Office for Metropolitan Architecture / Manifesta ), ROBERTO PINTO (University of Bologna), MARINA REISSNER (ArtLine Milano), LÉA-CATHERINE SZACKA (University of Manchester), ELENA VAI (University of Bologna/ Bologna design week), FRANCESCO VOLTA (Municipality of Bologna).

Since the end of the 1970s, exhibitions, museums and artistic events have gained a central role in shaping the transformation of the city. Art, culture and knowledge have become the instruments through which cities have faced the crisis of industrial economy and the rise of new paradigms and values of urban development, often hand-in-hand with processes of financial speculation and the intensification of social inequalities.Today, artistic practices, with their immediacy of means, their capacity to mobilize images and affects and their organisational structure, seem to have transfor- med the way in which cities are planned and built. What is the relation between art, artists and the city? How are artistic events transforming cities? Are curators the new architects and urban planners? Beyond the unmet promises of the “creative city,” can curatorial practices become forms of care for our cities?


Prof. Annalisa Trentin

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