MUTATIONS - Design for Continuous and Sustainable Cities


  • Data: 25 OTTOBRE 2019  dalle 10:00 alle 16:00

  • Luogo: Teatro DAMSLAB, Piazzetta Pier Paolo Pasolini 5 bis, Bologna

  • Tipo: Workshop

locandina mutations




How is it possible to describe the city of the future? Which are the unu- sual actors that are currently designing the contemporary city? And how do their actions influence new productions at urban scale? How enabling technologies are changing the ways of life in the city, in the design of new uses, new languages, new behaviors, new experiences? Does time represent the fourth dimension of design for the city? And is this design factor really assume a priority role over the physical / spatial one?

The “MUTATIONS” Research Workshop. Design for Continuous and Su- stainable Cities deals with the contemporary city and urban changes, investigating the processes of continuous transformation of the city. According to the need to integrate social, economic and environmental development aspects (17 Sustainable Development Goals), the work- shop aims to investigate the potential of the “continuous city”, in whi- ch the single dynamics of mutation at urban scale becomes part of an evolving system, and to define a new design approach, capable of inter- cepting the phenotypic changes of the city, assumed as a turbulent and perennial field of action.

It is no longer the structure of the city to be investigated, but the super- structure, made up of people, relationships, new uses.

Venerdì 25 Ottobre 2019 - Programma

10h00 Registrazione partecipanti

10h15Mutazioni a scala urbana: esperienze, ricerche, progetti.ModeranoElena Formia e Valentina Gianfrate

  • Gabriele Oropallo,London Metropolitan UniversityThe role of data in urban mutations(TBC)

  • Ioanni Delsante, School of Art, Design and Architecture, Universi- ty of Huddersfield / Università di Pavia
    From crisis to action

  • Raffaella Trocchianesi,Dipartimento di Design, Politecnico di Milano

    Nuove estetiche urbane tra interferenze digitali e performance multimediali

  • Cristian Campagnaro, Dipartimento di Architettura e Design, Po- litecnico di Torino
    Città coese e inclusive

11h45 Discussione aperta.
10 Domande sul tema delle Mutazioni a scala urbana

13h00 Pranzo

14h00 Mutazioni resistenti a Bologna. Dialogo a due voci.

Giovanni Ginocchini, Direttore Fondazione Innovazione Urbana eGiuseppe Scandurra, Laboratorio Studi Urbani Ferrara

15h00 Inaugurazione Mostra fotografica “Mutazioni resistenti” Margherita Caprilli. Storytelling e comunicazione a cura diChiara Sponza

16h00 Chiusura lavori


Elena Formia

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