Popular Education – How Form Improves Thought

Ciclo di conferenze « Pensiero Esibito. Le Mostre di Architettura »

  • Data: 03 APRILE 2020  dalle 16:00 alle 18:00

  • Luogo: Online

  • Tipo: Convegni


Éric Lapierre (EPFLausanne, ENSA Marne-la- Vallée, Paris-Est)

nell'àmbito del ciclo di conferenze
Pensiero esibito. Le mostre di architettura
a cura di
Anna Rosellini, Annalisa Trentin e Fabio Massaccesi


Link to attend the conference: https://teams.microsoft.com/l/team/19%3a7fffe861bff6404a9e94557541127c99%40thread.tacv2/conversations?groupId=b17bb4f9-a60f-4d1f-baa3-e59b951e76da&tenantId=e99647dc-1b08-454a-bf8c-699181b389ab

As former chief curator of the fifth Lisbon Triennial of architecture in 2019, I will first discuss about utility of such events to allow architecture to meet a wider audience as the academic or professional ones. This issue is also about form of such events in terms of overall organizations : didactic exhibitions conceived by curators vs. conceptual installations made by architects. I will explain why I chose the first option in Lisbon, and how this choice influenced the form of the exhibitions. In which way the fact that I was an “intellectual practitioner” allowed me to give specific answers to a series of questions regarding architecture itself but as well the art of exhibition: in which way form can improve thought.

Éric Lapierre (b. Tarbes, 1966) is architect, teacher, theoretician, writer, and curator. He is founder and principal of the office Experience, based in Paris, with his partners Tristan Chadney and Laurent Esmilaire. This award-winning firm has been recognized nationally and internationally for the quality of the tectonic objects it builds, but as well for the theoretical dimension of its production. Experience builds in France and Europe. The last buildings are Chris Marker student residence and buses amenity in Paris, urban logistics amenity in Toulouse, and an office building in Paris.
Éric Lapierre is professor in École Polytechnique Fédérale in Lausanne (ÉPFL), in École d’architecture de la ville et des territoires Paris-Est, and guest professor at Harvard GSD. He teaches both project design and theory.
He regularly publishes articles and books about the contemporary condition of architecture. Last ones are "Economy of Means – How Architecture Works", Poligrafa, 2020, and "Éric Lapierre – If the Form Vanishes its Roots are Eternal", Mendrisio, 2018.
He was chief curator of the fifth Lisbon Triennial of Architecture, "Poetics of Reason" in 2019.
Éric Lapierre is also involved in performance through the production of concerts in his construction sites.


Prof. Annalisa Trentin

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