Applicant Guide

Learning outcomes

The PhD course covers training activities in its broad disciplinary spectrum , methods and areas of interest . For this reason, the educational objectives are flexible and necessarily related to the research path taken by each individual student. Traditionally, the course is aimed at the acquisition of historical, philological and critical high expertise, also in relation to conservation, transmission and enhancement issues of artistic, cinematographic, musical and theatrical cultural heritage and high methodological expertise not only in academic research. However, it has also developed the need to provide expertise in the areas of communications and marketing culture, as well as identify training paths in applied research to favor employment feedback not only in academic and research sector, but also in relation to diversified market realities not necessarily related to the cultural area.

Activities to be carried out by Doctoral candidates

- Bibliographical research
- Archive research
- Philological and documental research
- Analysis of texts
- Data collation and analysis
- Qualitative surveys
- Laboratory research
- Fieldwork

Research training activities compliant with the Doctoral programme's learning outcomes

- Attendance of specialized seminars dedicated to doctoral students
- Attendance of lectures borrowed from degree courses
- Attendance of lessons and seminars at other universities primarily foreign
- Participation in SSSUB inter-doctoral seminars
- Participation in internal and external conferences
- Collective discussion of preliminary results and research methods
- Laboratory tutoring
- Mentoring participation in research activities with other departments involved
- Tutoring for preparation of doctoral dissertation

Internationalization features

- Publicizing the PhD programme at colleagues from the same academic areas in the degree of foreign universities
- Advertising via European networks related to the disciplines of interest
- Presentation of PhD opportunities in conferences
- Acceptance of proposals for co-tutorship supervision of doctoral programs abroad
- Requirement for doctoral students of stay abroad at least for one month in locations and structures affiliated with the doctorate or identified by the Board of teachers as appropriate scientific references
- Release of joint degree/double degree with foreign institutions under co-tutorship conventions, according to arrangements designed to multiply in the years to come, both for the benefit of our students and for students enrolled in foreign partners
- Release of the title of "Doctor Europaeus" for the graduate students who have completed at the end of the path the requirements of Article. 38 of the University Regulations - D.R. 202/2005
- Possibility to prepare the doctoral dissertation in languages other than Italian, with the approval of the Board of Teachers, and partially fulfill the final exam in languages other than Italian
- Possibility of educational activities in language other than Italian
- Possibility of foreign professors for educational activities (seminars, conferences, etc.), as external assistant supervisors and as members of the Board for the conferment of the title

Expected research results and products

The doctoral candidate, in addition to collective audits relating to the state of research, must produce, within the three years of course, at least two scientific articles (also in the form of preprints) or contributions in collective volumes or lengthy reviews plus doctoral dissertation Within the PhD in Visual, Performing and Media Arts, the doctoral thesis represents the main scientific result expected at the end of the course, and therefore qualitative outcomes become important (for documentary and/or philological research, also the quantitative results assume particularly importance). In the two years following graduation, at least two scientific papers taken from the thesis are expected to be published or in alternative the publication of the thesis in book form. In addition, it is hoped the doctoral students participation as speakers in national and international conferences, although it is difficult to quantify the number of reports expected, highly variable due to the chosen area and dissertation topic.