Two Lectures on the Past and Future of the Global City

Two Lectures on the Past and Future of the Global City

  • Data: 21 GIUGNO 2023  dalle 15:00 alle 18:00

  • Luogo: Aula Magna, Palazzo Gravina, via Monteoliveto 3, Napoli

  • Tipo: Lecture

Peter G. Rowe (Department of Urban Planning and Design, Harvard Graduate School of Design
Arjan van Timmeren (Department Urbanism, Environmental Technology & Design, TU Delft)

Two Lectures on the Past and Future of the Global City

Saluti di Michelangelo Russo (Direttore DiARC) e Fabio Mangone (Coordinatore D.ARC)
Introduce Roberto Pasini (UniBo DBC)