Docenti di riferimento: Giovanni Colavizza e Maria Goretti Tai. Crediti Dottorali: 1 (15 h frontali). Anni: I, II, III
Luogo: Sala Pasoli, Via Zamboni 32 - 3° piano
This course provides a practical introduction to Large Language Models (LLMs), such as ChatGPT, in humanities research. Students will explore the mainstream LLM platforms and their functionalities. Example applications to support research tasks will be presented and worked on. By the end, participants will have hands-on experience with LLM tools and workflows that can enhance their academic research.
There are no prerequisites. The laboratory is held in English.
Meetings will take place on 28, 29 e 30 April at 11-13 and 2.30-5.30 PM. The programme is:
28 April: "LLM Fundamentals & Tools" and practical examples and exercises, part 1
29 April: "Prompt Engineering & Retrieval Augmented Generation" and practical examples and exercises, part 2
30 April: "Legal AI, Bias and Ethics" and own project work