Organization & Contacts

DAST is managed by the PhD Board. Among the Board members, a Coordinator and Vice-Coordinator are elected.

Administrative support is provided by a PhD Manager.


DAST Programme Coordinator

Prof. Alessandro Talamelli

Via Fontanelle 40, Forlì (FC)

+39 0543 374 423

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DAST Vice Coordinator

Prof. Dario Modenini

Via Fontanelle 40, Forlì (FC)

+39 0543 374 450

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Program Manager

Dott. Emilio Vivarelli

Strada Maggiore 45 Bologna (BO)

+39 051 20 9 4623

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Student Representative in the Phd Board

Marzia Corsi

Via Baldassarre Carnaccini 12 Forlì (FC)

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Student Representetive in the PhD Board

Alessandro Lotti

Via Baldassarre Carnaccini 12 Forlì (FC)

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Department of Industrial Engineering - Forlì