40th cycle

Stefano Palmiotto

40th cycle

Research topic: Space Systems Engineering activities for Space It Up! project

Supervisor: Prof. Dario Modenini

Co-supervisor: Prof. Paolo Tortora

Lorenzo Suozzi

40th cycle

Research topic: Development of a Rechargeable Iodine Tank for Electric Propulsion

Supervisor: Prof. Fabrizio Ponti

Co-supervisor: Prof. Nabil Souhair

Giuliano Vinci

40th cycle

Research topic: Advanced Telecommunication and Navigation Techniques for Space It Up! project

Supervisor: Prof. Marco Zannoni 

Co-supervisor: Prof. Paolo Tortora

Davide Banzi

40th cycle

Research topic: Advanced Radiometric Navigation Techniques for Space It Up! project

Co-supervisor: Prof. Paolo Tortora

Matteo Fonsetti

40th cycle

Research topic: Radio Occultation Experiments in the Jupiter System

Supervisor: Prof. Marco Zannoni

Co-supervisor:  Prof. Paolo Tortora 

Ravaioli Alex

40th cycle

Research topic: Experimental analysis of Turbulent Flows of Industrial Interest.

Supervisor: Prof. Gabriele Bellani

Co-supervisor:  Prof. Alessandro Talamelli

Lorenzo Magnani

40th cycle

Research topic: Strengthening of the CICLoPE Infrastructure (Center for International Cooperation in Long Pipe Experiment) for the Study of Turbulent Flow Dynamics Focused on Sustainability and Consumption Reduction

Supervisor: Prof. Gabriele Bellani

Co-supervisor:  Prof. Alessandro Talamelli